FY 2019 Adopted Budget
School Board Regular Meeting & Budget Public Hearing #3
May 8, 2018 - 7:00 p.m.
The Falls Church School Board unanimously adopted the division’s budget for the 2018-2019 school year during its regular meeting on Tuesday, May 8th.
The $51 million dollar plan represents a less than 1% increase overall compared to the current budget year. But because of decreases in state funding, it requires a 2.8% increase in the local transfer - the lowest requested increase in the last five years.
“This budget reflects the priorities in our Triennial Plan and reflects our current collective needs,” Superintendent Peter Noonan said. “Our stated mission is to be the premier International Baccalaureate (IB) school division in the country, and this budget provides support for all FCCPS students while maintaining small class sizes.”
The FY2019 Budget includes funding for:
- additional support for Special Education,
- additional support for the Primary Years Programme,
- repurposing of staff to support ESOL students,
- and a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all staff
This budget shows significant fiscal restraint as it includes only 1/3 of the requests from FCCPS principals and staff. “I want to commend our budget team for the hard scrub of our current budget to find nearly $700k in efficiencies that will fund the remaining Triennial Plan priorities,” Dr. Noonan said.
Adopted budget motions and documents are being posted on the school Division’s budget website: budget.fccps.org.
Average Per Pupil Cost for Public Education in Falls Church City
In accordance with VA Code § 22.1-92
School Board/City Council Work Session
March 19, 2018 - 7:30 p.m.
Questions & Answers - Dr. Peter J. Noonan, Superintendent
Town Hall Community Budget Meeting
March 18, 2018 - 2:00 p.m.
FY2019 School Board Budget Request - Dr. Peter J. Noonan, Superintendent
School Board Chair Presents FY19 Budget Request to City Council
March 12, 2018 - 7:00 p.m.
FY2019 Budget Request to City Council - Lawrence Webb, Chair, Falls Church School Board
School Board Budget Work Session #3
Special Meeting
February 20, 2018 - 7:00 p.m.
FY 2019 Budget Update - Kristen Michael, Chief Operating Officer
The Falls Church School Board unanimously approved its request of City Council for funding for the 2018-2019 school year. The $42 million local transfer request represents a 2.9% increase over current funding; the lowest requested increase in the last five years.
It includes funds for:
- additional support for Special Education,
- additional support for the Primary Years Programme,
- repurposing of staff to support ESOL students, and
- a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for all staff (among the lowest in the region).
The School Board’s budget request reflects the priorities in our Triennial Plan
● The School Board’s FY 2019 Budget reflects the priorities of our school system, is aligned with our Triennial Plan, and reflects our current collective needs while recognizing the need for fiscal restraint within the current CIP environment.
â—Ź Numerous meetings were held in the community, with staff and faculty, and with our local governmental bodies to understand the respective group's priorities that could be included while remaining true to the Triennial Plan.
Our requested increase of 2.9 percent will not require a tax rate increase and is lower than the request and the funding increase received in the last five years
â—Ź With reduced state funding, revenue beyond the 2 percent guidance from the City is essential to continue to offer the high-quality education Falls Church City expects from its schools.
â—Ź The requested increase will fund the cost of providing a 3% COLA and adding a psychologist.
â—Ź We made reductions and realignments to fund the remaining Triennial Plan priorities.
â—Ź The budget request shows significant fiscal restraint as it includes only 1/3 of the requests from our principals and staff.
The centerpiece of the proposed budget is a 3 percent cost of living adjustment (COLA) for all of our employees
● Our number one resource in our system is our people. Our “human capital” is vital to the health of the system and as such a fair and competitive wage is necessary.
â—Ź This proposed COLA will benefit every FCCPS employee as compared to a step increase which excludes some employees especially those who have given the greatest years of service.
● While the COLA will improve our teacher pay, on average our teacher salary scale is below Arlington’s current salaries.
Surrounding school systems are all proposing salary increases averaging 4.7% for their employees.
Our stated mission is to be the premier International Baccalaureate (IB) school division in the country, and the proposed budget provides support for all FCCPS students while maintaining small class sizes
● An additional school psychologist is needed to serve students’ emotional and social needs.
● A new resource teacher in Special Education will be added and a LEIP teacher position will be repurposed to serve as an English for Speakers of Other Languages resource teacher. These two positions, along with our curriculum resource teacher will create a “support triad” that focuses on instruction for all students and professional learning for all teachers in the division.
â—Ź To support our IB program, we need a 0.5 PYP coordinator for each Thomas Jefferson Elementary School and Mount Daniel Elementary School.
The request will be included in the City Manager's budget presentation to the City Council on March 12th.
Two Town Hall meetings are scheduled for March 18th and April 8th.
School Board Budget Public Hearing #1
Fy19 Budget Update
February 13, 2018 - 7:00 p.m.
FY 2019 Budget Update - Kristen Michael, Chief Operating Officer
FY 2019 Budget Questions & Answers - Kristen Michael, Chief Operating Officer
Operating Fund by Expenditures - Kristen Michael, Chief Operating Officer
School Board Budget Work Session #2
January 16, 2018 - 7:00 p.m.
Central Office Conference Room
Staff Compensation - Amy Hall, Director of Human Resources
IT Security Service - Dang Nguyen, Director IT Services
Professional Development - Lisa High, Chief Academic Officer
Budget Questions and Answers - Kristen Michael, Chief Operating Officer
superintendent's Budget Presentation
January 9, 2017 - 7:00 p.m.
Central Office Conference Room
Falls Church City Public Schools Superintendent Peter Noonan outlined his first budget proposal before the School Board in its first meeting of the new year.
Dr. Noonan's plan for the 2018-2019 school year focuses on three priorities:
- compensation and training for FCCPS' human capital,
- additional support to meet the needs of our diverse community, and
- additional resources to continue our stated mission of being the premier IB School Division in the country.
To that end, the expenditures in the Superintendent's Proposed Budget include a 3% Cost of Living adjustment for all employees, and additional staff to support Special Education and the PYP curriculum support, and repurposing an LEIP teacher as an ESOL resource teacher.
Superintendent's Proposed Budget - MS Excel
school board budget Work Session #1
December 19, 2017 - 7:00 p.m.
Central Office Conference Room
During its first FY19 Budget Work Session, the Falls Church School Board heard from FCCPS employee groups, School Affiliated Organizations and School Board Advisory Committees. Each shared priorities for next school year.
written Presentations
Staff Report
FY19 Budget Update - Presented by Interim Chief Operating Officer Deirdra McLaughlin
Employee Advisory Committees
Professional Employee Advisory Committee Recommendations
Support Employee Advisory Committee Recommendations
Administrative Employee Advisory Committee Recommendations
School Board Advisory Committees
Special Education Advisory Committee
Language Instruction Educational Program Committee
Gifted and Talented Advisory Committee
60 Minute Budget Briefings
December 6, 2017 - 6:30 p.m.
Mary Riley Styles Library
December 7, 2017 - 6:30 p.m.
Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School
FY19 Budget Planning Session
Falls Church School Board/City Council
December 4, 2017 - 7:30 p.m.
Dogwood Room, City Hall